The International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International (IWU-FI) is a world socialist revolutionary organisation, which was founded in Barcelona, Spanish State, in April 1995, with the fusion of various currents that claim to be the heirs of the political and theoretical legacy of Leon Trotsky and Nahuel Moreno, one of the foremost leaders of Trotskyism after the WW II.
The IWU-FI identifies itself as an organisation that is part of the international Trotskyist movement. We fight for the rebuilding of the Fourth International founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938, but we no longer consider ourselves to be the Fourth International. We fight for the unity of Trotskyist and non-Trotskyist revolutionaries who support a revolutionary socialist principled programme to rebuild the International and revolutionary parties in each country. The IWU-FI and its sections are at the service of this task, rejecting all forms of self-proclamation and sectarianism.
Since its foundation the IWU-FI, with both successes and mistakes, has been fighting to build revolutionary parties and an international organisation, as well as seeking to reach the unity of revolutionaries, with militants and organisations from Latin America, Europe and the rest of the world.
To unite revolutionaries, we have put forward a revolutionary minimum programme, which summarises the revolutionary aims for the present stage of the world socialist revolution.
The Minimum Revolutionary Programme to unite revolutionaries:
1. support for all workers’, peasants’, indigenous people, students, women’s, sexual diversity, environmental and popular struggles in the world against imperialism and its governments.
2. For the expropriation of the multinationals, the banks and the capitalists.
3. We fight for class political independence, with no support for bourgeois governments.
4. For trade union autonomy from governments and the state.
5. For workers’ and mass democracy.
6. “The emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the working classes themselves”, we fight for governments of the workers and the people.
7. For a Revolutionary International and revolutionary parties in every country.
8. For Socialism with workers’ and people’s democracy.