By Gabriel Schwerdt, a leader of Socialist Left and the IWU-FI
Finally, after postponing it for the Covid-29 pandemic arrival to our continent and the launching of lock downs in several countries, we could achieve the Conference originally planned for 1 May, through virtual media.
It was a success. For the unprecedented nature of the call, for the debates we addressed, and for the participation of important fighters and leaders of the left. Highlights were the discussions, with three debate talks on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 July, on the world capitalist crisis, the situation of the movement and the Latin American situation in the present circumstances. In these talks, the groups that were invited had already taken part with interventions. Another aspect that made this conference very positive.
Thirty-nine sister organisations from the FIT Unity parties joined in, plus ten guests, making forty-nine. These guest organisations took part: from Bolivia, the PSR (Revolutionary Socialist Party), and the PT (Workers’ Party); Brazil, LSP (Fight for Socialism), and Counter Power Platform; Peru, Together of Tacna Collective; Ecuador, Eloy Alfaro Collective; Mexico, LUS (Socialist Unity League); and form the US, Anti War Committees in Solidarity with the Struggles, Speak Out Now, and the Tempest Collective. These organisations, originated in diverse left traditions, were crucial for the Conference debates and show there was a good acceptance to the call made to independent sectors of the FIT-Unity organisers. Special interest awakened the US organisations, as participants of the present struggles of the imperialist most important country join the debate Also Plinio de Arruda Sampaio Junior, the economist member of Counterpower in Brazil and a prominent left leader of the PSOL.
We regretted the absence of other Latin American left organisation that it would have been significant they should have taken part. Two days before the beginning of the conference, the LIT-CI (International Workers League, Fourth International) leadership sent a letter communicating its wish to be present in the conference but with excessive pretensions in its position in the lectures, debates and plenary. They eventually stepped out.
The debate was comprehensive, with points in common and others where we have nuances or differences between the organisations taking part in the conference. It was a first experience, unprecedented until now, very positive. It can be improved in the future.