This new edition of International Correspondence devotes an important part to the harsh political-military defeat that US imperialism has suffered in Afghanistan. The cover of this edition is the photo, which will remain for history, which shows the dramatic scenes of the airport of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, that travelled the world. Thousands of desperate Afghans trying to get on a military plane is the most obvious image of the debacle of US imperialism. After 20 years of their invasion, they leave the country sunk in disaster.
The Yankees and their NATO allies had to leave Afghanistan and the Taliban were left to return to power.
These set up an ultra-reactionary dictatorial government that has already begun to repress Afghan women.
This defeat of imperialism comes at the time of the most serious world capitalist economic crisis, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Unemployment, hunger and the fall in the standard of living of the masses are growing. The capitalist governments that apply social adjustments and cuts suffer wear and tear in the heat of the workers’ and popular anger. Several of these topics are developed in this edition in the sections on Argentina, Cuba, Chile and Peru. There are also notes on the forest fires that ravaged Europe and other regions showing the severity of the environmental crisis.
In this edition, we highlight Argentina with notes on the electoral debacle of the Peronist government and the success of the Left Front, which stood as the third national force. This advance of the FIT-U, from the perspective of the class struggle of the country and Latin America, is fundamental in the fight to strengthen an alternative of revolutionary socialist leadership.