Joint Statement by Socialist Organizations (see the Note at the End of the Text), 19 March 2025
1- The Ukrainian and Palestinian peoples are being ferociously attacked by Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu. Netanyahu is breaking the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, resuming the genocide. Trump wants to impose a “deal” in Ukraine that amounts to his capitulation and the division of the country, along with Putin.
2- Trump’s foreign policy shift from endorsing Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to launching a tariff “war” against his old capitalist allies (Canada, Mexico, and the European Union) is causing an even greater crisis in the capitalist-imperialist world order. The far-right Trump administration combines ultra-reactionary attacks on the rights of migrants, the LGBTQ+ community, women, and workers with a shift in the traditional policy of American imperialism resulting from its prolonged economic and political decline and the emergence of new imperialist powers such as China and Russia. Trump is provoking a crisis in the long-standing alliance between the United States and European imperialism, a key pillar of global capitalist relations since 1945, which has already led to an unprecedented arms program by European powers.
Trump seeks to overcome the crisis of US domination, which has remained the hegemonic imperialism since the end of World War II but, in fact, it is further weakening. Trump himself said upon taking office: “Today the decline of the United States ended,” i.e. he acknowledged the crisis they have been suffering but claims that he will solve it. This “solution” is a threat of invasions and plundering around the world but, at the same time, he wants to focus on the conflict with Chinese imperialism. Bombastic announcements declare Trump’s intention to annex other countries such as Panama, Greenland, and Canada. Likewise, he threatens war against Iran. In this context, he attempts to defeat the people of Ukraine and Palestine.
3- Socialists strongly denounce the US and far-right Trump policy of forcing the Ukrainian government to capitulate to Russian imperialism and impose a division of the country and its natural resources between the two powers. Trump has changed US imperialism’s policy on the war in Ukraine, accepting and legitimizing the Russian invasion and annexation of the occupied territories. We reject Trump’s proposal for a truce and ceasefire, based on Zelensky’s surrender of minerals to the US and his willingness to surrender part of Ukrainian territory.
We reiterate our ongoing support for the Ukrainian resistance to expel the Russian invaders and warn against Zelensky’s bourgeois policy to subordinate to Western powers. We say No to NATO and demand its dissolution. Socialists also defend Ukraine’s right to get weapons from wherever they can and call for a renewed international solidarity campaign with the Ukrainian resistance. We sharply condemn those neo-Stalinist and pacifist forces that refuse to defend Ukraine, endorse Putin’s supposed anti-imperialist role, and now, objectively, agree with Trump. Russian troops out of Ukraine! For a free Ukraine, independent of all Great Powers! For a workers’ and popular government that nationalizes key sectors of the economy!
4- Netanyahu unilaterally broke the ceasefire agreement with a resumption of genocide, with Trump’s support. In the face of the horrific genocide that the Zionist state is committing against the Palestinian people, socialists must intensify their support for the heroic Palestinian resistance. We repudiate Trump’s policy of ethnic cleansing, which joined Benjamin Netanyahu in promoting the policy of displacing the Palestinian population to Arab countries like Egypt and Jordan. He cynically said they would turn Gaza into a tourist destination. It was the Palestinian people of Gaza who responded to Trump with actions that they have no intention of leaving the Strip. And hundreds of thousands, entire families, returned to their homes, many of them destroyed, in northern Gaza, from which Israel had expelled them. The Palestinians openly declare: “Gaza is our home!“. Their return represents the defeat of Zionism and Trump. This is an expression of the heroic Palestinian resistance.
The countries of the Middle East must support their brothers and sisters in Gaza and the West Bank with aid and arms. Workers and grassroots organizations around the world must impose a boycott against the Israeli terrorist state. We call on socialists to intensify the struggle against pro-Zionist forces within the international labour movement. We fight for a free, democratic, non-racist, and secular Palestine, from the river to the sea.
Socialists also denounce the massive bombing campaign of Trump against Yemen. We say: defeat U.S. imperialism – defend of Yemen!
5- We reiterate our support for the Syrian Revolution which succeeded in overthrowing Assad’s tyranny on 8 December last year. Today, the tasks of socialists in Syria are to fight any attempt by the Assadist counterrevolution to re-emerge, to rebuild working-class and popular organizations in opposition to the new bourgeois HTS government, and fight for equality among genders, ethnicities, and religious groups. We denounce the counterrevolutionary attempt by supporters of dictator Assad on the Mediterranean coast. At the same time, we repudiate the massacre of Alawites by the HTS government. We denounce those Stalinist and Chavista forces which have shamefully sided with the Assad dictatorship and its Russian and Iranian masters since the beginning of the Syrian Revolution in March 2011. For a workers and popular government which should nationalize the key sectors of the economy under workers control and opens the road to a socialist Syria! Out with all bases and military forces of Russia, the US, Israel, and Türkiye!
6- Socialists strongly oppose Trump’s threats against semi-colonial countries like Panama or Mexico – from imposing tariffs to military raids or even annexation. We support the right of these countries to defend their interests by any means necessary – economically, politically and military. At the same time, we do not lend any political support to bourgeois governments, whether right-wing or centre-left. We call for a broad international solidarity campaign against imperialist interference in Latin America! Yankees and all other imperialists – hands off Latin America!
7- Socialists advocate international solidarity of the workers and oppressed and joint cross-border struggles. We call the workers movement in imperialist countries to organise practical solidarity with migrants, to call for equal rights and to oppose racist border control.
Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu out of Ukraine and Palestine!
Down with the genocide in Gaza!
No to Trump’s colonial “deal” for Ukraine! Victory for the Ukrainian and Palestinian resistance!
Weapons for the Ukrainian and Palestinian resistance!
Against the armament plans of the imperialist powers!
International League of Workers – Fourth International (LIT-CI,
International Unity of Workers – Fourth International (UIT-CI,
Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT,
P.S. We invite organizations that agree with it to join this declaration and campaign.